samedi 23 juin 2012
From head to toe - PurpleMoon Anniversary Hunt
Each pearl contains a part of the dress, the set of jewelery, and hair for this lovely outfit.
From head to toe - PurpleMoon Anniversary Hunt - Info
"From head to toe" - PurpleMoon Anniversary Hunt - Info - ONLY for Group Members
June 17th - July 7th
If you have been part of our Anniversary Hunt last year or even if you just have heard of it, I am sure you will not want to miss it this year!
We didn't only created a new gorgeous gown, we also created a whole new look that includes jewelry and even hair! All the items are brand new and specially made for the anniversary.
Our lovely Caoimhe Lionheart, Miss Essence of PurpleMoon 2012, is showing you all the items in this poster:
All the pieces of this look have been hidden in our Main Store inside little silver pearls, there is a sample one right at the entrance of the store. Each time you find a pearl simple touch it and receive its contents. Remember you MUST be wearing your PurpleMoon VIP tag.
We are providing a list of HINTS at the end of this note, please read carefully, think out of the box and keep the chat on group to the MINIMUM. We want this event to be fun for everybody, so please, don't provide locations on chat. Play Fair!
Poulet Koenkamp &
PurpleMoon Creations Team
* Prizes have been hidden inside silver pearls.
* There are 14 pearls to be found. Each one has a number so you can easily track the ones you are missing.
* Must wear the PURPLEMOON VIP tag.
* TOUCH the pearl to receive the contents in a folder in your inventory.
* There are 9 pearls hidden at the First/Main Floor, 3 pearls on the Second Floor/Upper level and 2 pearls in the BOHO House. (Outside the Main Store across the garden)
#01 It warms your hearth.
#02 Bubbles fro your tired and cold feet.
#03 Dance surrounded by roses.
#04 It's a name, it's a month, it's a top!
#05 People say Elvis was seen in this room.
#06 It is a name of a flower that reminds me of my mom.
#07 She is in Wonderland.
#08 Poulet's first gown ever is surrounded by butterflies and this little pearl.
#09 It's a bird, it's gold, i's a queen!
#10 In this room all the names have three letters.
#11 Gold and Diamonds in infinite circles.
#12 Among all these tiny frozen pearls, there is one that sounds out.
#13 Going on vacations? Start packing!
#14 Sit down and relax at the light of a candle, you are done!
Formal look of the week : Fellini Abanico
Hair : Emo-tions Elaine
Nails : Deluxe fingernails by Jamman Dot edition
Dress : Fellini Abanico
Boots : Bax Cohen
Pose : Wetcat Couture Ace 3
Casual look of the week : Azoury Ania
Hair : Emo-tions Paris
Headband : .Charme Bourgogne
Outfit : Azoury Anya (Glasses and handbag included)
Boots : Azoury Victoire
dimanche 17 juin 2012
Formal look of the week : Smaller Love Fashion Primavera
Hair : Emo-tions Daphne
Dress : Primavera black by Smaller Rossini
Jewels : Eden Jewellery Set Rosie
Shoes : MPP Wooden heels black
Casual look of the week : E-clipse LaDominante
Hair : Emo-tion Lora
Complet Outfit : E-Clipse LaDominante (including footwear)
"On this side of the PurpleMoon" Styling Contest
***** BOHO CHIC *****
Hat : Purplemoon Clarisse Jasmin Capel
Hair : Purplemoon Mia hair
Glasses : Purplemoon Vain sunglasses
Jewellery : Purplemoon O Sole Mio Blue / Gold
Top : Purplemoon Dahlia top
Skirt : Purplemoon Dahlia Skirt
Bag : Purplemoon Vintage bag blue
Shoes : Purplemoon Polka pump blue
Hair : Purplemoon Ann hair
Jewellery : Purplemoon Cycle in moonlight
Outfit : Purplemoon Tango blanck & silver
Bag : Purplemoon Mara black
Boots : Purplemoon Mara black
***** FORMAL CLASSIC *****
Hair : Purplemoon Day hair
Jewellery : Purplemoon Concentric complet set
Outfit : Purplemoon Lucia gown in black (anniversary limited edition)
Shoes : Haru in black
***** VINTAGE *****
Hat : Purplemoon Cora hat
Hair : Purplemoon Ana hair
Glasses : Purplemoon Dorothy cat eyes
Earings : Purplemoon Lily
Dress : Purplemoon Kelly gown
Bag : Purplemoon Growl handbag
Shoes : Purplemoon Growl
1. Miss VoguE Beauty Pageant 2012 (Here on referred as the "Face of VoguE") is organised by VoguE Fashion in Secondlife. These Terms and Conditions shall apply to all stages of the beauty pageant.
2. All participants MUST Join “The BEST OF SL Magazine Readers” Group (All notices and results will be announced in BOSL Group only)
3. All participants MUST Join VoguE In-world Group to be eligible for the competition
4. Each Participant must complete the application form.
**Submit application along with -
(A) 1 Headshot Photo 512x512
(B) 1 Full Body Photo 512x512,
wearing an outfit created by VoguE.
Photo will be judged based on styling, and visual appeal.
Place your photos in a folder (NOT a notecard) together with your application form to Rhawnie Draconia and FOV2012 . LABEL your folder as “FACE OF VOGUE 2012 (Your Name)”).
The Organiser reserves the right to reject any application that fails to satisfy the aforesaid requirements. All photographs submitted shall be the property of the Organiser who may, without reference to any Pageant Participant, use such photographs for any reasonable purpose or publicity.
5. Closing date for applications will be held as below (subject to changes)
(1st intake ~ May 25th to June 7th 2012)
6 The Pageant Participant is open to all ladies/women who shall be not less than 1 year of age in Secondlife.
7. Each Pageant Participant warrants that she is not the current title holder in any other brands' pageant or competition.
8. The Pageant Participant agrees that the Organiser shall have the exclusive right to take photographs, record or otherwise reproduce all or any part of her performances or other appearances in connection with the pageant. Each Pageant Participant hereby assigns to the Organiser absolutely, all vested, contingent and future rights in her performances and the Organiser shall own the sole and exclusive rights to such performances. Each Pageant Participant further agrees to complete any formalities or sign any documents necessary to perfect this assignment.
9. By participating in the pageant, the Pageant Participant unconditionally grants to the Organiser all consents and waivers necessary for the Organiser to record and use her for the promotion and publicity of the beauty pageant.
10. The selection and number of judges at each stage of the beauty pageant shall be at the Organiser’s sole discretion and the judges’ decision at all stages of the pageant is final. No enquiries, appeals, verbal or written, shall be entertained.
11. In the event the Organiser deems it necessary to re-record any part of any round of the Pageant Participant, the Pageant Participant agrees to be prepared to perform again for re-assessment.
12. While participating in the Beauty Pageant, Pageant Participant shall not enroll to another pageant contest.
13. Pageant Participants who fail to attend the auditions, photo shooting sessions, semi and final shall be disqualified if the reasons for such absence are found to be unacceptable by the Organiser.
14. From the 10 finalists, one contestant will be awarded the Miss Photogenic, 2nd Runner Up, 1st Runner Up and Miss VoguE.
15. All Pageant Participants, by participating in the Beauty Pageant, agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.
I hereby declare and confirm that I have read, understood and agree to be bound by the attached Terms and Conditions of Face of VoguE Beauty Pageant 2012.
••R E G L E M E N T••:
◘ Les inscriptions seront ouvertes du: 01/06/2012 au 22/06/2012
◘ La première phase de qualification se fera sur présentation de photos.
◘ Si vous êtes qualifiées vous recevrez le tag de groupe et devrez retourner une notecard avec le nom de la région que vous souhaitez représenter.
◘ Veuillez adresser un portrait au format 1024x1024 à Mariella Spitteler accompagné du questionnaire ci-dessous le tout SEPAREMENT dans un dossier renommé: M I S S F R A N C O P H O N E 2 0 1 3 (Votre nom)
◘ Vous devrez rejoindre le groupe FLICKR: M I S S F R A N C O P H O N E: et y ajouter UNIQUEMENT vos photos d'inscription.
◘ La seconde étape de qualification se fera devant le jury pour accéder la demi finale 12 seront retenues.
◘ A l'issue de la demi finale 6 accèderont à la finale pour le titre de M I S S F R A N C O P H O N E 20 1 3.
••D A T E D U C O N C O U R S••:.
◘ 1er Juillet les candidates retenues présenteront un styling challenge devant le jury.
◘ 8 Juillet les 12 demi finalistes présenteront un second styling challenge devant le jury les 6 meilleures accèderont à la finale qui aura lieu le 22 Juillet.
◘ 22 Juillet Finale Miss Francophone.
Miss Essence of PurpleMoon™ 2013
Celebrating PurpleMoon's 3rd Anniversary we are holding a photo and live runway contest to give one lady the opportunity to become "The Essence of PurpleMoon". We are looking for someone who can represent the essence of PurpleMoon. We want to find the elegance, glamour and magic that PurpleMoon has been offering for these three years. We want to see the heart and soul of PurpleMoon represented in your picture. It's about great style, beauty and class. But most of all, it's about getting to see our brand through your eyes. If you would like to become "The Essence of PurpleMoon" please join us, submit your pictures and a group of judges will decide who shall be the one ... "The Essence of PurpleMoon 2013".
[1] Join PurpleMoon Creations in world group.
[2] Join "the ♔The Essence of PurpleMoon™♔" group in Flickr:
[3] The photo can be taken by yourself or somebody else (Please credit the photographer in the description). You have to wear an outfit from PurpleMoon or a mix&match of PurpleMoon designs but no group or hunt gifts are allowed.
[4] The photo must be 1024x1024 pixels or higher but always in 1.1 ratio and must be submitted to the Flickr group. (No pictures sent inworld will be accepted)
[5] You are allowed to submit up to two (2) pictures. One face shot and one full body shot. Rename the pictures "The Essence of PurpleMoon" -"Your Name".
[6] No logos, signs or names are allowed on the photographs.
[7] We reserve the right to remove from the pool any images that don't follow these rules.
[8] By posting your pictures in the group you are giving PurpleMoon Creations all the rights to use those pictures for promotion, advertising, etc.
[9] Each month, six monthly winners will be chosen to compete in the Essence of PurpleMoon semi-finals in mid-October. This will be an in-house styling show and personal interviews. Ten finalists will be chosen at this event.
[10] The ten finalists will compete in the Essence of PurpleMoon finals in November. A panel of judges will select the top three winners. More details about what to prepare for the final will be given to the finalists.
[11] Winners will be chosen by a panel of judges to be announced.
Month One: Begins on June 20th, 2012 and ends midnight July 19th, 2012. Winners announced by June 30.
Month Two: Begins on July 20th, 2012 and ends midnight August 19th, 2012. Winners announced by August 30.
Month Three: Begins on August 20th, 2012 and ends midnight September 19th, 2012. Winners announced by September 30.
The semi-finals will take place in mid-October (date/time TBD)
The finals will take place in early November (date/time TBD
Each of the six monthly winners will receive L$2500 in store credit from PurpleMoon, their pictures will be published in magazines and display at PM Main Store and they will receive some special gifts from our sponsors.
Miss Essence of PurpleMoon 2013 will receive L$50000 cash prize and will receive all releases of the year of her reign as the face of PurpleMoon. She will represent the brand in many advertising images for magazines, in store posters and other media, and will be invited to participate in the upcoming fashion shows.
She will receive the official crown custom made by Yula Finesmith from Finesmith Designs and the official title of “Miss Essence of PurpleMoon 2013”. She will also receive the official portrait & body photo by the photographer Magissa Denver.
The winning pictures will be published in magazines and display at PM Main Store and she will receive many special gifts from our sponsors.
There will be also prizes for 1st and 2nd runner ups and for the winners of “The best in…” categories.
Special thanks to our sponsors who enrich our contest with fabulous prizes:
BeStyle Magazine |
Chop Zuey |
Denver Photography |
Diktator |
Finesmith Designs |
Glam Affair |
InWorld Magazine |
Maniera SL |
Wetcat Builds & Poses |
White Widow Makeup |
samedi 16 juin 2012
Dimanche 17 juin à 21h30, Evenementia et France3D vous invite à un nouveau moment de mode à ne pas rater.
Venez assister à un défilé des collections de prestigieux créateurs : Edika Créations, Morea Style, Lipstick fashion, Sanibel's Secrets, MPP : My Pretty Pixels et Eden Jewelry
Un défilé des plus belles robes de soirée, vous en resterez émerveillée
C'est ici et nulle part ailleurs
Sunday, June 17 at 21:30 Evenementia and France3D invites you to a new fashion moment not to be missed.
Come enjoy a parade of the collections of prestigious designers: Edika Creations, Morea Style, Lipstick fashion, Sanibel's Secrets, MPP: My Pretty Pixels and Eden Jewelry
A parade of the most beautiful evening dresses, you will remain amazed
Here and nowhere else
lundi 11 juin 2012
"On this side of the PurpleMoon" Styling Contest
"On this side of the PurpleMoon" Styling Contest
Celebrating PurpleMoon's 3rd Anniversary we are holding a styling photo contest to give our customers the possibility of winning lots of outstanding prizes from our sponsors: PurpleMoon, KittyCatS, WetCat, White Widow, Finesmith, Amorous, Denver's, Melu Deco and Pura Vida.
We would like to get to know you better, we want to see how you recreate our creations, how you mix and match our clothing, how original and creative you can be.
If you are willing to show us your side of our beloved PurpleMoon, please read the instructions carefully and join us!
We ask you to style a look wearing PurpleMoon clothing following any of the themes we propose for this contest: Boho Chic - Casual Contemporary - Vintage - Formal Classic
* Each contestant can submit up to 4 (four) pictures.They can be different themes or all the same.
* These pictures must be submitted to our Flickr Pool and in the description should be stated the theme of your choice and a complete styling card of the items worn. Pictures will not be accepted in world or any other way.
* Accessories and hair can belong to other brands. Clothing must be PurpleMoon only. More PM you wear, more chances to win!
* Any current or previous collections are allowed. Discounted items and gifts also.
* Picture size suggested 1024 x 1024 pixels. Other sizes will be accepted but please keep the resolution high. We really want to see your work in a proper way!
* Deadline: June 27th
* Winners will be chosen by a panel of judges and they will be announced at our Anniversary Party on June 30th at 2PM.
*L$5000 cash + PurpleMoon Store credit for L$3000.
*L$5000 Gift Card from KittyCatS by Callie Cline
*L$1000 gift card to White Widow make-ups by Julie Hastings
*L$1000 gift card from Amorous Jewelry & Accessories by Matchbook Monday
*L$1000 Gift Card from Finesmith Designs by yula Finesmith
*4 (four) sets of poses and L$250 Gift Card from WetCat Builds & Poses by wetcat Flux
* Winner's photo of look by professional photographer Magissa Denver from Denver's Photo Studio
* Gorgeous vintage furniture set from Melu Deco Furniture by Melusina Parkin.
* Gift Certificate for a couple's massage from Pura Vida Wellness Resort by CEO Tosha Bergan
* Winning look photo to be displayed in the PurpleMoon Main Store.
*L$3000 cash + PurpleMoon Store credit for $L2000
*L$2000 Gift Card from KittyCatS by Callie Cline
*L$1000 gift card to White Widow make-ups by Julie Hastings
*L$500 gift card from Amorous Jewelry & Accessories by Matchbook Monday
*L$500 Gift Card from Finesmith Designs by yula Finesmith
*2 (two) sets of poses and L$250 Gift Card from WetCat Builds & Poses by wetcat Flux
* Gorgeous vintage furniture set from Melu Deco Furniture by Melusina Parkin.
* Gift Certificate for a single's massage from Pura Vida Wellness Resort by CEO Tosha Bergan
*L$2000 cash + PurpleMoon Store credit for L$1000
*L$1000 Gift Card from KittyCatS by Callie Cline
*L$500 gift card to White Widow make-ups by Julie Hastings
*L$250 gift card from Amorous Jewelry & Accessories by Matchbook Monday
*L$250 Gift Card from Finesmith Designs by yula Finesmith
*1 (one) set of poses and L$250 Gift Card from WetCat Builds & Poses by wetcat Flux
* Gorgeous vintage furniture set from Melu Deco Furniture by Melusina Parkin.
* Gift Certificate for a single's massage from Pura Vida Wellness Resort by CEO Tosha Bergan
Like every year in June, MOREA STYLE celebrates it's anniversary, and this year for its 5th Anniversary - and to thank you all members and customers for your loyalty and support,- MOREA STYLE has prepared you throughout this period, many surprises exclusively at the mainshop !
Thank you all for your loyalty and hope you will enjoy!
SPECIAL PRICE Only 149 ls all colors style ! Limited Time
(June 08 to June 17)
samedi 9 juin 2012
Casual look of the week : Delirium India
![]() |
Délirium India |
Hair : W&Y hair 09
Eyeslashes : Redgrave eyeslahes 19 Diva
Make-up : White widows Gypsy white / black
Outfit : Delirium India complet outfit
Nails : Jamman Deluxe fingernails Fantasy 2
Beach bag : Paradisis Lili beach bag
Shoes : Indi seagrass flip flop
Pose : oOo studio Twiggy Four
vendredi 8 juin 2012
Formal Look of the week : SF Design "Le Smocking"
Spotlight on Severed garden
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Severed Garden Rina complet Outfit |
Hair : LoQ hair Cobbled
Outfit : Severed Garden Rina complet outfit
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Severed Garden Tala complet outfit |
Hair : Truth
Outfit : Severed Garden Tala complet outfit
![]() |
Severed Garden Tamu complet outfit |
Hair : Truth
Outfit : Severed GardenTamu complet outfit
mardi 5 juin 2012
Spotlight on Purplemoon
Complet Outfit : Purplemoon Wicca the Lioness for Back to Black
Hair : UrbanLutz April black Limited edition for Fashion limited
Skin : Belleza Chloe Mocha
Eyeslashes : Miamai Catwalk Lashes MetalTear 2
Earings : Finesmith Folieole Zing
Necklace : Finesmith Folieole necklace Zing
Dress : Purplemoon Annie gown Limited edition for Fashion limited
Bangles & Nails : Mandala Takara
Shoes : Diram Scarlette stiletto
Hair : Vita's boudoir Waves hair
Eyeslashes : Nikita FrideMermaid eyeslashes
Dress : Purplemoon Lorelai gown Limited edition for Fashion limited
Hair : UrbanLutz Sunshine black Limited edition for Fashion limited
Earings : Chop Zuey Tomorrow's Son - Gold Limited edition for Fashion limited
Dress : Purplemoon Annie gown Limited edition for Fashion limited
Bangles & Nails : Mandala Takara
Shoes : Shoenique Brown Jazzy Sparkle Platform heels RGB BSM
Spotlight on Vita's Boudoir
Hair : Shag Forget me knot
Outfit : Vita's boudoir Find another fool
Shoes : Bax
Hair : Vita's boudoir Messy Hair
Hat : Vita's boudoir Poppy
Dress : Vita's boudoir Morana
Shoes : Vita's boudoir Poppy
Hair : Vita's boudoir Messy Hair
Dress : Vita's boudoir Smocked pretty coat
Shoes : B&G
Spotlight on Pipins
Hair : Shag Forget me knot
Outfit : Pipins Karine
Outfit : Pipins Margareth
Hair : Mirror C6
Outfit : Pipins Leire
Spotlight on Morea
Hair Lollipopz Gilda Black
Headpiece : Solidea Folies Il corvo
Dress : Morea Caroline
Hair Lollipopz Gilda Black
Hat : Cute cloche Romantic hat flower
Dress : Morea Oriane
Hair Lollipopz Gilda Black
Hat : Bliss Aquaglo hat
Necklace : AglaiaDiamond shawl
Dress : Morea Valentine
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